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Cosima | Rozival App



~before any of you comment on anything about the design, i want you to know that the admins of the Rozival group helped me make this cutie!

Full Name:
Cosima(co-sym-a) Luca

Nicknames: Cosmic,Luna


Sexuality:  Straight

Age: 19

Height/Weight: 5”8/135lbs

Width/Length: 5”8/6”9

Species: Dilituus

Rank: (Mothers and fathers or Family) Fam

Voice: Chloe Price/ Ashly…


         ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆  ◇ ◇  7/10

Strength     ◆ ◆   ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇   3/10

intelligence   ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◇ ◇ ◇ 7/10

endurance   ◆ ◆  ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇   2/10

stealth         ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆  ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇  5/10

accuracy      ◆    ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇  1/10

skill             ◆ ◆ ◆  ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇  3/10

Home Planet: Lithiumsortis (dramatically changing weather)

Personality: (Must have at least 10 sentences)

Talkative when time comes and very positive/polite for the most part. Loves to joke around with people and hang out but honestly is an introvert, so she does need alone time. Likes to make others smile and usually makes the place stress free. While seeming like a hyper person she can be chill in the time of need. Her ability to go unreadable is pretty funny but also useful. She likes to have fun but is not at all hard headed(for the most part). She hates uptight people and teases them to ‘loosen them up’. Very good at being calm when in stressful situations. Although she seems overly courageous  that's not always the case. Likes to take care of people and she utterly hates it when people lie, especially to her.If she sees someone doing something wrong she most likely won’t say anything. And on the side note she loves to cook and eat(she gots sharp teeth)    : ) .

Fun fact: She always wears and extra pair of clothing under what she’s wearing and almost always has snacks,she also loves to swim and likes chilly weather.

Strength: Being silent and following orders is what she does best. Her ability to think things through is also something that helps her.With her being able to use her powerful legs she can move pretty quick(also quick reflexes)

Weaknesses:  Big sweet softy. If out of concentration it can be hard for her to get back in. It’s also hard for her to lie(that doesn’t mean she’s a bad liar). Forgives people easily depending on the situation. Though she has small endurance she’s learned how to hide her irritation but you can still tell she’s lowkey salty. Gets tired very easily and is a light sleeper, which means if she has a hard time sleeping one night it’ll be hard for her to continue her day the next


General anxiety

Current amount of credits: 1,000

Weaponry: Nothing!

Backstory: (Must have at least 10 sentences)

Always working hard to please her parents she could never meet their demand.She had a point in her life where she decided to give up on herself and that's when she realized how terrible it felt to give up and stop caring.She’s made a vow never to be like that again and started to help other people. In her childhood she spent her free time helping her friends with issues they needed advice in. Pleasing other people and not herself led her feeling incomplete, like something was missing.She felt as if she was not needed and started searching for things to do. A habit came of tagging around with people and eventually she ended up here.

Roleplay example: (Must have at least 10 sentences)

Cosima stared at the ground as she walked around the block, silently wondering what to do today. She had been hanging out with people she felt uncomfortable around for awhile, and decided to take a break from them. Going home was an option, but just sitting in her bed made her feel sick. Sighing she sat down in the gently breezing grass. The temperature of the ground was warm and the air was nipping at her, just the way she likes it. I have time to relax She thought with a sigh. Then nodding she laid back with a content smile. She drew her focus to  look up at the sky as it was glowed an ombre of blue and pink. The sound of people walking by and the gentle breeze lured her to close her eyes, tricking her body to release the tension she held, caused by her stress.She silently fell asleep without noticing. The only thing she felt before dozing off; with the temperature just right and her ability to clear her thoughts, the feeling she was there up in the clouds was possible.


(whoops spelled her name wrong on the art ;w; )

Image size
1024x772px 353.19 KB
© 2017 - 2024 GummyFantasies
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HeavensDreams's avatar
Lovely character! Welcome to Roz!